working ​prayers

Philip Arroyo

Picture Courtesy - Microsoft Copilot

While serving as an infantryman in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2004, I experienced ​firsthand the challenges and dangers of war. Our missions often required us to ​navigate unfamiliar terrain and engage with the enemy under adverse conditions. As ​an infantryman, I found night missions to be particularly advantageous due to our use ​of night vision goggles, which gave us a clear tactical advantage over the enemy.

However, daytime missions posed significant risks. We were constantly vigilant, ​anticipating enemy contact and preparing for potential firefights. Before each mission, ​we would receive a detailed briefing, assemble our equipment, and mentally prepare ​ourselves. During these moments of anticipation, I would often find myself turning to ​prayer.

Growing up, my mother explored various religious paths, seeking a spiritual connection ​that resonated with her. Ultimately, she chose a faith that centered around God, Jesus ​Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Her guidance influenced my own spiritual journey, and I ​found solace and strength in prayer, especially during the intense experiences of war.

As I prepared for daytime missions in Afghanistan, I would often pray fervently for ​protection and guidance. In the midst of these prayers, I would sometimes feel a warm ​sensation and hear a clear inner voice. It was as if a divine presence was guiding me, ​providing me with insights and warnings that proved invaluable during combat.

When I returned home from Afghanistan, I shared these experiences with my family. To ​my surprise, my mother revealed that she had also been experiencing similar spiritual ​phenomena. She described waking up in the middle of the night and feeling ​compelled to pray for my safety. Her prayers, she believed, were somehow connected ​to the guidance I received on the battlefield.

I am not here to advocate for a specific faith or religious belief. Instead, I want to ​emphasize the power of prayer and the importance of spiritual connection, regardless ​of one's individual beliefs. Whether you believe in a higher power, a guiding force, or ​simply the strength within yourself, prayer can be a powerful tool for finding peace, ​strength, and guidance.

For me, prayer was a lifeline during the most challenging moments of my military ​service. It provided me with comfort, courage, and a sense of purpose. I believe that ​the experiences I had in Afghanistan, both on the battlefield and in my personal life, ​have taught me the profound value of faith and the power of human connection.

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